1. IV. How Can We Capitalize on Existing Institutional Assets? (LSC Guide II)

    questions that matter: IV. How Can We Capitalize on Existing Institutional Assets? Parting Comment by a LSC Roundtable Participant: My personal take-away thought from this roundtable experience is the importance…


    questions? What have we learned about how space matters to our learners as individuals and as members of a learning community and to the broader community of institutional stakeholders? Is…

  3. Structures for Science: A Handbook for Planning Facilities for Undergraduate Natural Science Communities (PKAL 1995)

    …The early PKAL leadership group quickly realized that attention to spaces was critical, if larger national goals for undergraduate learning were to be realized. In 1992 facilities planning workshops became…

  4. 2018 LSC Roundtables

    questions that push campuses and planning teams to think more audaciously, to be open to new ideas, to scan the horizon for what is coming next and why that matters…

  5. USER – 21st Century Learners

    …University Many questions about users must be addressed in process of planning learning spaces. This webinar focuses on two central questions about user that planners must address. The first is…

  6. Spaces for Dissolving Boundaries between Communities

    …knowledge may be especially helpful for studies of complex social problems with multiple causes. Key Conditions for Successful IDR at Academic Institutions Based on Committee Interviews with IDR Leaders and…

  7. Transformative Renovations and New Connections

    …of the da Vinci Center—Virginia Commonwealth University Featured: Carthage College—Straz Center Modernization & Expansion Straz Center Modernization & Expansion Roundtable Portfolio Virginia Commonwealth University—Da Vinci Center for Innovation Repurposing Spaces…

  8. Strategies for Catalyzing Campus-wide Attention to the Future of Learning Spaces

    …roundtable to their campus. 20 academics joined five architects in the four-hour discussion, beginning with individual questions and concluding with a short list of questions and ideas to pursue in…

  9. Focusing on the Future of Planning 21st Century Learning Spaces w/ CAE

    …stakeholders to explore and embrace questions about ‘what next.’ Some intriguing questions about how planning happens that are beginning to emerge are being shared with the broader community through the…

  10. Discipline-Based Education Research (DBER)