1. The Engineer of 2020

    CONNECTIONS BETWEEN ENGINEERING PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE What attributes will the engineer of 2020 have? Given the uncertain and changing character of the world in which 2020 engineers will work,…

  2. Expanding Underrepresented Minority Participation

  3. How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School

    There are many reasons to be curious about the way people learn, and the past several decades have seen an explosion of research that has important implications for individual learning,…

  4. Discipline-Based Education Research (DBER)

  5. Branches from the Same Tree

    …the institution with distinction into the future. Major recommendations in the report focus on auditing current practice as an essential first step in moving toward an intentionally integrated community of…

  6. Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science

    …within an organizational system to perform tasks and accomplish common goals. Then they illustrate the complexity of collaboration. See research on Team Science and articles on collaboration from American Psychologist….

  7. 2019 LSC National Colloquium

    …home communities of practice with a report and an agenda for action. These will bring attention to colloquium discussions about: Current findings—from research and practice on how learners experience space,…

  8. Learning Spaces Roadmap

    …2016, from resources in the LSC archives as well as from the broader community of stakeholders across the country. Featured Collections: LSC Roundtable Collection I: Essays on Designing for Inclusion…

  9. Principal

  10. Reflections from Jeanne L. Narum

    About the Design of the Roundtables The design was intended as a prototype. Better said, an experiment. We were testing the hypothesis that there might be a better way to…