1. Sponsors

    The essence of the Learning Spaces Collaboratory is that it offers a forum for academics and architects to explore challenges and opportunities facing those with responsibility for shaping spaces in…

  2. Collaborating Partners

  3. The Impact of Biophilic Learning Spaces on Student Success

    …Success 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design: Improving Health & Well-Being in the Built Environment – Terrapin Bright Green   III. Evidence: Findings from Research and the Field   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtOSJ2tdCF0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbe17Z-KmU4…

  4. Reports from the LSC National Colloquium

    https://www.pkallsc.org/measures-for-assessing-how-investing/ https://www.pkallsc.org/from-the-lsc-colloquium-spaces-that-work/ https://www.pkallsc.org/take-away-take-home-questions-strategies-from-the-lsc-national-colloquium/…

  5. What Have We Learned About How and Where Virtual Learning Happens and What’s Next?

    …Vantage Technology Consulting Notes from Open Conversation Zoom Chat II. Resources A. From the LSC Archives B. From the Field III. Evidence: Findings from Research and the Field   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HUKqs0ddbA…

  6. Home

  7. The Engineer of 2020

    CONNECTIONS BETWEEN ENGINEERING PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE What attributes will the engineer of 2020 have? Given the uncertain and changing character of the world in which 2020 engineers will work,…

  8. Expanding Underrepresented Minority Participation

  9. How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School

    There are many reasons to be curious about the way people learn, and the past several decades have seen an explosion of research that has important implications for individual learning,…

  10. Discipline-Based Education Research (DBER)