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    …institution into the future. Attention is being given to the arc of planning for assessing—to research and stories from the field that provide evidence about what works.   Contact us…

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    …leaders and research funding agencies. —Community member post by Dan Stokols, Judith S. Olson, Maritza Salazar and Gary M. Olson _____________________________ EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association and the largest community…

  4. The Impact of Biophilic Learning Spaces on Student Success

    …Success 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design: Improving Health & Well-Being in the Built Environment – Terrapin Bright Green   III. Evidence: Findings from Research and the Field   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtOSJ2tdCF0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbe17Z-KmU4…

  5. What Have We Learned About How and Where Virtual Learning Happens and What’s Next?

    …Vantage Technology Consulting Notes from Open Conversation Zoom Chat II. Resources A. From the LSC Archives B. From the Field III. Evidence: Findings from Research and the Field   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HUKqs0ddbA…

  6. Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER)

    SENCER Collaborating Partner one-pager SENCER website   Our Mission SENCER courses and programs strengthen student learning and interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by connecting course topics to…

  7. Reports from the LSC National Colloquium

    https://www.pkallsc.org/measures-for-assessing-how-investing/ https://www.pkallsc.org/from-the-lsc-colloquium-spaces-that-work/ https://www.pkallsc.org/take-away-take-home-questions-strategies-from-the-lsc-national-colloquium/…

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  9. Thinking About Learning as a Beginning to Find One’s Place in the World

    …from that particular learning experience, new worlds begin to open up and the mind of the learner becomes enlarged. And porosity is moving both ways—as our learners are changing the…

  10. From the LSC Archives Postings: Essays

    …in 2004, the development of IBM’s Blue Gene super computer, as well as his involvement with the Council on Competitiveness’s National Innovation Initiative (NI). The IBM experience was a powerful…